Taking pictures is fun. When I was a kid, “Santa” would stuff disposable cameras in my stocking, and I think I loved the cameras more than the other, more expensive gifts I received. In fact, one of the first times I ever used my disposable cameras was when my mother chartered a tiny plane for our family. She didn’t have much money, so this was an extravagant surprise for us. It was my first plane ride and I fell in love with travel, and with photography.
Today I have a fancy GoPro that I’m using, as well as a pretty decent cell phone.
I take pictures of couples, so I often sneak pictures of people who look like they’re in love. I don’t like posed photos, and many times people have awkward expressions or stand funny when you ask first. Also, I’m shy so I don’t always feel comfortable going up to strangers to ask if I can photograph them.
So, I created a fun, cute cardboard camera. I call it my “Glamour Camera” because it’s covered n bling. It looks like something you might see in a cartoon, so when people do catch me taking pictures or videotaping them, they smile and almost always ask me about the camera.
Because the Glamour Camera is so fun, and so many people love taking pictures with it, I’m going to have a series here where I post pictures of my new friends that I meet around the world taking pictures with the GlamCam. If I’m coming to your city, let’s meet up so I can shoot you shooting!