The Exact 11 Steps I Take Every Time to Find Super Cheap Flights

The Exact 11 Steps I Take Every Time to Find Super Cheap Flights

One of the questions I get asked almost daily from friends and followers is, “How do you find such cheap flights all the time?” While there are quite a few articles here with links to budget airlines and other travel tips and tricks, I decided to be very...
Almost Free Travel- Flights

Almost Free Travel- Flights

When I’m itching to travel but have very little money for a trip, there are certain things I do in order to find almost free travel, and the planning always begins with transportation. Finding cheap flights is what takes up the majority of my budget. So in this...
One Penny Flights (Seriously)

One Penny Flights (Seriously)

No one ever believes me when I tell them I have flown (many times) for less money than a public bus ticket would cost me. I kid you not; I have gotten one penny flights. Seriously. It isn’t because I’m a travel blogger, and I’m not using points, in...
London AND Paris; $500?!

London AND Paris; $500?!

A trip to London AND Paris for $500, including flights, accommodations, and food? Seriously. People usually tell me they wish they could travel to some of the amazing places I go to but they insist they can’t afford it. I insist that they can. At least, you can...
My Favorite Sites for Cheap Flights

My Favorite Sites for Cheap Flights

Lately, there have been so many new airline discount sites and apps popping up that looking for cheap flights can get overwhelming. But don’t worry, I’m going to share with you my favorite sites for cheap flights. There are a few websites that I always...

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