The Devil is the Travel Agent

The Devil is the Travel Agent

by Darque Star Get ready to embark on an extraordinary voyage infused with romance, adventure, and captivating narratives. We are delighted to present to you a compilation of stories that will transport you to enchanting destinations, immersing you in the realm of...
Polyandry, or Where You Can Marry Tom, Dick and Harry

Polyandry, or Where You Can Marry Tom, Dick and Harry

Sometimes I love being courted by an elegant, romantic man who whispers poetry in my ear with a French accent and brings me fresh orchid bouquets. Other times I wish I was married to a gourmet chef who could whip up extravagant, decadent meals that you might find at a...
Are You a S*x & Love Addict?

Are You a S*x & Love Addict?

What’s the difference between liking a man you’re hooking up with a lot, and being codependent on the c*ck? How do you know if you’re a sex addict? Everybody loves sex, right? Well, yes. But there is a difference. According to The National Council on...

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