Questions About Sex 

How to Vet/Background Check Your Online Lover Before You Meet

How to Vet/Background Check Your Online Lover Before You Meet

Before you think I'm trying to convince you to become a stalker, let me say this; "Catfish". If you've ever seen the show, you already know that there are hundreds (thousands) of stories where people thought they had met their soul mates online, only to find out later...

How Solo Female Travelers Can Avoid Romance Scams

How Solo Female Travelers Can Avoid Romance Scams

by Linda Benz Getting to know new people while travelling is a wonderful thing. You might even fall in love. Unfortunately, in some countries there is a scam by which locals try to get money or visas (called a "green card" in The U.S.). The Romance Scam The Romance...

How Smart Women Get Scammed by Sex Tourism Gigolos

How Smart Women Get Scammed by Sex Tourism Gigolos

"She's so stupid". "How does she not know he's just using her?" "Omg, he took all her money and left her, how could she have been so naive?" Many of us have watched reality shows like "90 Day Fiance" and spinoffs, or have heard about or have met women who have been...

Are You Being Used for a Green Card?

Are You Being Used for a Green Card?

Many travelers find their soulmates and fall madly in love while traveling. But how can you tell if they really do love you back? How do you know if your partner is honest about their feelings, or hiding behind a mask with ulterior motives? It can be difficult to know...

Are You a S*x & Love Addict?

Are You a S*x & Love Addict?

What's the difference between liking a man you're hooking up with a lot, and being codependent on the c*ck? How do you know if you're a sex addict? Everybody loves sex, right? Well, yes. But there is a difference. According to The National Council on Sexual Addiction...

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