From Holiday Fling to Lifelong Love

From Holiday Fling to Lifelong Love

By Rosanna Stevens Growing up, holiday romances were a delightful thing to enjoy at the time and then bask in the glory of when returning to school. As a teenager, I was always quite shy and chronically insecure amongst my friends at my all-girls boarding school. But...
How Solo Female Travelers Can Avoid Romance Scams

How Solo Female Travelers Can Avoid Romance Scams

by Linda Benz Getting to know new people while travelling is a wonderful thing. You might even fall in love. Unfortunately, in some countries there is a scam by which locals try to get money or visas (called a “green card” in The U.S.). The Romance Scam...
Dear Diary; April Hope’s Journey of Love, Lust or Bust

Dear Diary; April Hope’s Journey of Love, Lust or Bust

Dear Diary Entry 1 November 30, 2020 I have rarely written on this website about my experiences with dating, love, sex or any stories about men I have had intimate relationships with. But over and over, people seem to be curious about my dating life. For years, I have...
What To Look For In a Potential New Partner

What To Look For In a Potential New Partner

Currently, I’m working on improving myself physically, mentally, and financially, so seeking a partner is not my main focus, but I do check my messages on dating sites every once in awhile. Usually, I get a “hey” or “s’up”, or a...
Women Who Love Moroccans

Women Who Love Moroccans

It’s no secret that Morocco is one of my favorite countries. I have fallen totally, completely, madly in love with the souks and medinas, the seaside resort towns and beaches, luxury desert camps in The Sahara, and of course, the people. And then, there are the...

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